Sunday, January 25, 2015


What is Wabi-Sabi?

This is amazing. I wish there was a word for it in English. Celebrating the cracked, the odd, the imperfect. I think we all have a sort of wabi-sabi life don't we? No one is perfect, no one has come through life without some sort of scars, but it should be celebrated, and not hidden away.

"Wabi-sabi is the Japanese idea of embracing the imperfect, of celebrating the worn, the cracked, the patinaed, both as a decorative concept and a spiritual one — it's an acceptance of the toll that life takes on us all. As I wrote about it earlier this year, "If we can learn to love the things that already exist, for all their chips and cracks, their patinas, their crooked lines or tactile evidence of being made by someone's hands instead of a machine, from being made from natural materials that vary rather than perfect plastic, we wouldn't need to make new stuff, reducing our consumption (and its concurrent energy use and inevitable waste), cutting our budgets, and saving some great stories for future generations." We might also be less stressed, and more attentive to the details, which are the keys to mindfulness."
From this article.

Sunday, January 11, 2015


Found a list of great affirmations from "Lightworker". Here are a few I like:

- I live each day to increase my light and that of the world.

- Being sick does not mean the Source does not love me, recovery means I love myself.

- I am inspired to live my dreams and have faith that all is well.

- I cannot fix everyone, but I can make a difference.

- My gifts are meant to heal, not hinder my own life.

- I can only stay in the dark so long before I seek the light.

- It's perfectly okay to feel happy, safe and secure.

- I refuse to allow my light energy to be depleted by others.

- I am here for a reason, and I will fully execute my purpose.

- I accept myself and my own limitations.

- I cannot heal others if they will not heal themselves.

- I allow myself to fail and learn from the process of failure.

- I am exactly where I am supposed to be at this time in my life.

- I have free will to walk the path I choose.

- I will always find my way out of the darkness.

- I accept my dark days, just as I do my light days.

- My intuition is a gift from the Source and I follow it without question.

- It's okay to be praised.

- I am a beacon of light for the world.

- My hands are filled with healing energy, and I share it effortlessly with the world.

- All choices are my own to make. I reap what I sow.

- My body is the vessel of my soul, and I honor it.

- I will be loved by those around me for who I am without conditions.

- It's never too late to make things right.

- I will not take on the dark energies of those around me.

- My greatest challenges have brought me only spiritual enlightenment.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Brilliant Idea!

Archangel Uriel
Energy: Pale Yellow
Crystal: Amber

My idea is an answered prayer! Even though it's going to push me out of my comfort zone, realize that I'm not going to take anything I can't handle onto myself. Ask for, and be willing to receive, assistance and support to bring this to fruition. Uriel will be there the whole way. I can ask for help any time. Uriel is especially glad to give ideas and creative insights.

(from the Archangel Oracle Deck by Doreen Virtue)

I have so many ideas....

I think that's my problem. I get so many ideas, I have no way of actually doing anything. I need to focus, clear anything that I don't need, and pick something to work on even if I change to something else the next day. Franklyn, our tarot reader, was pretty adamant that I need to complete the novel I've been toying with for well over a year, because she feels that this summer I'm going to get good news for it. I think when the boys go back to school and I can get quiet, restful time at night instead of always hearing music and having them move around, I will be able to focus.

I was reading more of Lightworker last night and today, and I think it's extremely interesting how she talks about Lightworkers having issue and struggles with depression, addiction and the like due to us being so sensitive that we get overwhelmed. I can certainly agree with that. In fact it makes me wonder how much of what I've seen in the past was hallucinations, and how much was my perceptiveness into seeing other times and maybe even "worlds" like she talks about how there are planes and all coinciding at the same time, but most people can't perceive it. I wonder if all the chattering I heard out of white noise was really just leftover energy, or something from what she calls the creator source.

Monday, January 5, 2015


Advice from An Old Farmer
Your fences need to be horse-high, pig-tight and bull-strong.
Keep skunks and bankers at a distance.
Life is simpler when you plow around the stump.
A bumble bee is considerably faster than a John Deere tractor.
Words that soak into your ears are whispered… not yelled.
Meanness don’t jes’ happen overnight.
Forgive your enemies; it messes up their heads.
Do not corner something that you know is meaner than you.
It don’t take a very big person to carry a grudge.
You cannot unsay a cruel word.
Every path has a few puddles.
When you wallow with pigs, expect to get dirty.
The best sermons are lived, not preached.
Most of the stuff people worry about ain’t never gonna happen anyway.
Don’t judge folks by their relatives.
Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
Live a good, honorable life… Then when you get older and think back, you’ll enjoy it a second time.
Don ‘t interfere with somethin’ that ain’t bothering you none.
Timing has a lot to do with the outcome of a Rain dance.
If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop diggin’.
Sometimes you get, and sometimes you get got.
The biggest troublemaker you’ll probably ever have to deal with, watches you from the mirror every mornin’.
Always drink upstream from the herd.
Good judgment comes from experience, and a lotta that comes from bad judgment.
Lettin’ the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier than puttin’ it back in.
If you get to thinkin’ you’re a person of some influence, try orderin’ somebody else’s dog around..
Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.
Don’t pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he’ll just kill you.
Most times, it just gets down to common sense.

Friday, January 2, 2015


My mother and I bought the Doreen Virtue Collection while we were in Charleston this past weekend, because we were really touched by what our tarot reader, Franklyn, said about the angels watching over us. She used the Archangel Oracle Cards along with the tarot, and my mother began to tell me later about the times she felt like angels watched over her. She'd already told me that weekend she felt like everyone has a guardian angel. So we started researching, and found out that some people actually can find out the name of their guardian angel just by asking.

I was afraid to ask while we were gone, even though I was doing the Spiral Pillar of Light visualization every night, and even asking the angels to protect me and to remove negative energies from me. My mother told me that because I am so sensitive that I probably have a lot of energy or even spirits hanging onto me because they are attracted to me. It isn't like some people think, evil spirits, hauntings or the like but just energy sources that don't want to move into the light that are attracted to sensitive people and merely latch on and drain their energy. My mother told me she read that I can ask my angel or angels to remove those things that are draining my energy and that sometimes you can even feel it being done.

So, I asked, and I began to feel sick to my stomach. Then I felt a weird sensation on the top of my head, slightly to the right side. And then I began to feel something like brushes or touches in various parts of my body such as my arm, the back of my neck, my legs. I told my mom the next day and she said that is what it said it would be like, as the angels plucked the hangers-on off my body. I still felt drained so the next night I did the same, and the same thing happened. The next day, the pain I had in the back of my neck for about a week was gone and I felt refreshed.

Last night, back in my own bed finally, I decided I'd ask for my angel's name. I wasn't really sure it would happen, but I thought, it's worth a try. I began to ask while I was in bed and the name Lemuel came to me. I figured I just thought of the first angel-y sounding name I could come up with, so I thought nah, stop trying to name your angel and just relaxed, but it came to me again, Lemuel, Lemuel, Lemuel and it wouldn't get out of my mind. I finally said out loud, "Lemuel" and it just felt right. I don't know if that's how you're supposed to do it, and I hope that I wasn't trying to name the angel myself but that is what came to mind.

I looked up to see what the name meant, and Lemuel is a biblical name, apparently a King mentioned in Proverbs. It says something about that passage is an exhortation to temperance among a few other things, which was really interesting since Temperance is my favorite Tarot card, something I've been collecting.

Thursday, January 1, 2015


It is a new year, 2015. Just about everyone I know starts a new year setting new year's goals or resolutions, and while I believe that is a great thing to do, the difficulty is in actually following through. But, isn't that the difficulty with just about everything in life? I always get bright ideas, but the follow through is what catches me. So, I'm not going to resolve to write in this blog this year, because I think that is setting me up for failure. I will just say that this blog is here for me to write in when I feel like I have something I wish to put in words.

I spent this past weekend, four days in fact, with my mother in Charleston, SC. We 'ran away' from home, as she told several people we ran into during our stay, and we kinda did! It was a spiritual journey for us, my mom needed to get away and I did not feel like she should go on her own. So, last Friday, when I got home from NC where we'd been for Christmas for a few days, I repacked and found us a hotel and we set off to Charleston, not really even knowing what we were going to do. It was marvelous!

We really wanted to get aura photos taken, but the Healing Oasis where they had them was in the middle of moving so the lady said she'd send me an email, with a discount, and we could schedule it for another weekend. I hope she remembers to do that! We also located online a place downtown on King Street called Seeking Indigo where they had massages, and meditation classes, and even someone that gave tarot readings. We signed up for tarot readings, and came back on Sunday to meet with Franklyn to give our readings and it was absolutely life-changing. I recorded my mom's reading, but my tablet didn't record mine. I'm going to type up my mom's for her this week so she has a record to look back over. We both cried during hers and mine. I can't say enough good things about Franklyn, I would go back to her in an instant. She wasn't your average everyday tarot reader, she said she is also a therapist and I could tell because throughout the reading she was giving us tips and hints on how to protect ourselves, and meditation techniques and even what gemstones would assist us. She started out by using the Archangel Oracle Cards, and then used a very worn, beautiful set of tarot cards for the reading. I could feel the energy in them and when I ran my hands over the three piles to choose a pile, one pile felt cold, one felt slightly warm, and one radiated heat.

I had to give up all my tarot cards years ago when my husband and I got back together because he didn't like them, and I regret it because I had some beautiful sets and they really meant a lot to me. I have good intuition so people say and my mother always liked it when I'd give her readings even if what I had to say wasn't always "good". I would always tell her that tarot cards are tools. They aren't magical, they are merely tools and that tarot readings should be more about offering suggestions and helping people work out issues for themselves than any sort of telling the future like some people make it. At least that's how I feel, it's like therapy.

Franklyn told us about asking our angels to help us and protect us, and said to ask for a white light to wash over us and then imagine Michael's sword coming down around us and slicing all the ties to negative energies and harmful things. I picked up a great book called  The Path of Energy by Dr. Synthia Andrews and in there I read about the Spiral Pillar of Light, which was very similar to what Franklyn told us about. I told my mom how to do it, and the two nights we used it in Charleston, we had really good results. I usually have major issues falling asleep but I've fallen asleep easily for three nights now using the visualization.